Sunday, May 5, 2013

Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

This weekend is the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. It has been going on for 40 years! I have been hearing about it for a few years now, but this was my first trip there. So here is a little pictorial review of the show, taken with my phone.

This was the main walkway into the Festival. Lots of festival type food.
This is the largest building full of vendors. There were several smaller barns jam packed full of people.

Lots of grassy areas full of more vendors.

This vendor hand makes her own pin cushions, they were exquisite.
Tons of spinning supplies, from fleeces, to roving, to spindles & wheels.

Dueling fiddlers.

There's lots of sheep, pens and pens of all varieties.
These guys are waiting their turn for their competition.

Sheep shearing.
Fleeces for sale.
Lots of lamb to eat at the Festival, lamb burgers, kebobs, enchiladas,  chili, tamales, gyros and more.

Podcaster meet-up, I am here with the Knitgirllls.
They have a great video podcast.

More tents with lots of indie yarn companies.
Stash enhancement.
Thank you to a new shop in the area, Chelsea Yarns for putting together a bus trip. I didn't have to drive, I could just knit!  I made quite a bit of progress on a sweater I am knitting.


  1. Thanks for posting this review! I've never been to MSWF, but hope to some day.

  2. Hi Sarah, I am currently working on your Michele slouch hat from ravelry. Great pattern, really easy to follow. I'm just amazed and perplexed by the fact that knitting every row somehow produces a stockinette stitch. How!? I would love to be able to replicate the technique, but have no idea what has made it work like that (knowing me it's probably something really simple that I have missed). Cheers, Anna.

  3. I am making your Comfy Cowl Neck Pullover and can't, for the life of me, figure out what MM means in the cowl shaping section.

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