
Monday, October 22, 2012

Best Kept Secret

In my opinion the best kept secret in Rhinebeck is the fried pickles.  Ok, so I don't frequent city bars, where my daughter tells me she has had them.  Out in the 'burbs they do not have fried pickles and I have not seen them since last year at Rhinebeck.  There is virtually no line, unlike the fried artichokes and for some reason falafal, and that was our first stop of  the day. 
Don't they look yummy?
I went to Rhinebeck with 2 friends on an organized bus trip by Carriage Yarns in New Jersey.  We knew we wanted to go to the book signing tent and get Melanie Gall's CD, Knitting all the Day.  She is one half of a podcasting team, the Savvy Girls.  They tell about their international misadventures and of course knitting.  She is a trained opera singer and has recorded a selection of knitting songs from the WWI era.  What knitter wouldn't want a copy of that?  Especially signed. 
Savvy Girl Melanie and me
 One of the highlights of Rhinebeck is going to the Ravelry meet up.  We got new Ravelry pins and met up with "old friends" Ysolda and Stephen.  I use the term "old friends" very loosely.  Although Stephen said he remembered us from when my friend and I saw him last week in Philadelphia.  Ysolda did say she remembered me from a couple of classes I took from her in New York at Vogue Live.  I think not, but could it be because I sat in the front row and corrected her on something?  Maybe I was that obnoxious student but she was too polite to say so.  I prefer to think that she was just politely saying she remembered me.
Ysolda and me

Stephen and Elizabeth
It was a beautiful clear day and a little warm for handknits, although perfect for a little shawl, I thought my Adirondack (in previous photos of me) was the perfect accessory.  There were crowds everywhere and long lines.
Of course there is yarn!  I don't really need any yarn, but I did buy one skein in the last booth we went to, The Fold from IL.  They had a beautiful selection of Socks That Rock, Blue Moon Fiber Arts.  I couldn't resist a yarn that looked like shades of hydrangea with hints of bright olive green and called Single Cell Dating Pool.  Blue and green, how predicatble. 
Single Cell Dating Pool, Socks That Rock
 Our day ended with a long trip back home after a stop at a quaint local diner.  Plenty of time to knit since I wasn't driving.  A lot of oohing and ahhing on the way home and fondling (of yarn) and planning new projects for new yarn.  Not a bad day. 

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