
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bicycle Fingerless Mitts

If you thought the next pattern I would publish would be the vest/cardigan (still needing a name) from the last podcast, you would be wrong!  My life was hi-jacked by the Peto Studio Museum and my involvement in the latest exhibit.  If you are local I encourage you to visit.  We are only open on the weekends from 1-4 but it is worth making room on your calendar to see the show.  You can check out their website at  We have 31 original John F. Peto paintings, the largest showing since his show at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. in 1983.  We also have on display an extensive family tree, family photos and artifacts.  You will feel transported to another period of time, guarenteed.  As a friend, you are welcome to contact me directly if you cannot fit that time into your schedule and I will arrange for a private tour.  
The John F. Peto Studio Museum in Island Height, NJ

I have actually just published a pattern for fingerless mitts.  My working title was Bicycle Fingerless Mitts but I used an even more functional name of Fingerless Mitts with Pockets for the published title.  The reason they are Bicycle Fingerless Mitts is because my daughter wanted fingerless gloves to wear while she biking in the cool weather when she was training for a marathon.  After not being able to find a pattern I decided to design a pair myself.  I thought something unusual like this might be good for the Knitty online publication.  It takes a long time to submit something and wait for the answer.  Well, they did not accept it, so I sat on it for awhile thinking I might submit the pattern somewhere else.  However, that takes time and concentration that I don't have at this time so I decided to just publish it myself.  I used Plymouth Happy Feet sock yarn for the green mitts.  I love working with this yarn, it is durable, washable and a joy to knit with, and it has great color choices.  The blue mitts are made from a self patterning sock yarn, sorry I forget which yarn I made them so long ago from my stash.
My son had fun taking and editing this photo for me.
A handwarmer fits perfectly into the pocket.
Does this look like some kind of animal to you?

Knitterly news:
  • I also wanted to let you know I was interviewed for the podcast, the Apocalyptic Diner.  Yes, it is a knitting podcast, but she throws in some vegan cooking and book reviews.  She is also in New Jersey, so we met and she introduced me to delicious vegan pizza at the Coal House in Sea Girt, NJ.  It is my first live interview, I have had a few written interviews, and it wasn't so bad!  Please check out her podcast here
  • I will be teaching a class at Woolbearers in Mt. Holly, NJ.  The class is Saturday October 13,   1-4.  I am teaching the moebius cast on.  This is a technique that will completely blow your mind.  Once you master it though, you will feel like you have really accomplished something.  If you want to know more about the moebius, look up Cat Bhordhi, she wrote two books on the moebius and many applications of the technique.  Check out Woolbearers for their classes at

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