
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Comes out in the wash.

I have been kind of quiet because I have been busy on secret knitting.  I'm working on a shawl pattern that I am hoping to finish writing in time to submit to Knitty.  My deadline is April1. 
In the event that I don't make the deadline you will see it here in April.
I started knitting a sideways shawl with some beautiful yarn my son gifted to me last year.  I was waiting for something special and it finally came to me.  However, the pattern did not quite work out the way I had thought it would and I had the reknit the second skein of yarn.  I was very unhappy with the way the reknitting of the yarn looked and decided I had to knit another shawl. 
This decision came at the same time that I decided to visit my daughter in Philadelphia and return her dog to her after dog sitting.  It just so happens that it is a short detour to Loop, a yarn shop that carries the yarn I needed.  I ended up getting 2 colors, because there is nothing like wanting to save on shipping costs in case I got home and decided I wanted an additional color. 
I started knitting the new shawl and also blocked the original shawl.  I decided to wet block it, which I rarely do.  I found out the the messy look of the reknit yarn, all came out in the wash.  I guess I didn't really need to buy the additional yarn after all. 

The color is William Morris.  Even though I am not really a brown person, I was a sucker for the name.  He was a textile designer of the Arts & Crafts movement and I love his designs.
This color is called Lichen, I love green and when you combine it with purple I can hardly resist.  This ended up being very similar to the coloring of the first shawl (in the first picure).  No wonder I liked it.

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