
Monday, January 9, 2012

Our annual trip to Vermont

I got a lot of knitting done.  I reknit the vest that turned out so wrong last week.  Still no photos.  I was a knitting machine for 3 days.

This is the sunrise in Island Heights the morning we left for Vermont.

The traditional picture taken at Stratton. 

So cozy, knitting by the fire.

Jimmy actually wears the hat I made for him.

I wasn't happy with changing yarn colors on the one row stripes so I tried 2 rows of each color.  Now I think maybe the center design needs a couple more rows.  I do think the hem is easier to do with waste yarn, rather than picking up stitches from the cast on edge.  Will this simple hat pattern ever be completed?

Sunset back in Island Heights on Sunday.  Sorry but the sunrise & sunset were more beautiful right outside my front door.

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