
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Excuses, excuses.............

I know you don't want to hear all of my excuses as to why it has been so long so I won't bore you.

I did want to follow up with my weekend at VKL.
I had a roommate for 2 nights.  
We met on Ravelry, and she also has her own business.
She makes beautiful buttons and she gave me a box full for a little gift.
This is my stash from VKL.  Melissa's buttons are in the middle and you can find them here.
My favorite purchase is the bracelet by a designer I saw in NYC a few years ago and fell in love with one of her hats.  I love her stuff and you can find her here.

Onto some actual knitting.
The hat pattern is finished, except for proofreading and perhaps test knitting.
I told my son he would have to model it for me, but I managed to get my model, Lena to come today.

 I couldn't just stop at making a beanie, but at the last minute I had to make a slouchy version as well.

 This is the ill fated vest.  I am trying again and hope that the yarn I am using this time is not being discontinued.

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