
Monday, December 31, 2012

Manly Scarf

12/24/2012 10:02 AM
12/24/2012 10:19 AM

This time of year the sunrises seem to catch my eye more than the sunsets.  These 2 sunrises are separated by a few mintues.  I am continually amazed at the individual beauty that the sky portrays day after day, minute after minute.

My nephew/godson asked me at Christmas if I had any manly scarves laying around.  I told him I would take a look, knowing I did not have any.  I have only designed one scarf for a guy and I decided that the pattern needs an update.  Occasionally I take one of my old patterns and spruce it up.  I love the choice of a reversible slip stitch pattern for a scarf and what says masculine more than houndstooth?   Let's take a look at my current photos.  Even though I love my son's long curly red hair and will probably never see that again, I think I can do better with new photos. 

I originally did the scarf in 2 sizes, but I am now going to do one size, narrow like the smaller one and longer than the larger one.  I think the trend for men has been to fold the scarf in half and pull the ends through.  Both of these scarves are too short for that. 

The new scarf in process.
My current in progress photo shows off the popular close up shot on a white background.   I don't know why the green yarn is showing up blue!  I may still photograph the finished scarf on my female model since she really shows off my stuff well (or even a potato sack for that matter) and just promote it as a unisex scarf.

I finally have my Hooded Baby Sweater modeled on a real baby.  My nephew Isaac didn't particularly like having the hood up especially inside the house, but he was quite a good sport about the whole thing.

I have a new hat.  My notes are scribbled on a piece of paper and I am in the process of deciphering them into an understandable format for other knitters.  I really like the reversible rib effect with the variegated yarn.  I am attracted to color, but the colorful yarns are not always the easiest to match to a likeable pattern.  I originally used this yarn, Gina by Plymouth Yarn, in an entrelac pattern which it lends itself to very well.  I am debating whether I should also make matching fingerless gloves?   Should I sell the pattern myself or offer it to the yarn company?  Maybe offer the hat by itself for free?  Any opinions or advice?

This hat can also be worn inside out, in other words it is reversible.  Of course I didn't think about that when I was taking the photos.  This would not be an official photo anyway, except that it does have the white background.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

O Tannenbaum O Tannenbaum

Christmas Caroling has always been an important part of my Christmas for longer than I can remember.  My sisters and I are still carrying on the tradition of caroling around the neigborhood.  When I saw these carolers in NYC I had to stop and listen for awhile.

I had the opportunity to spend 6 days in the city with my sister a couple of weeks before Christmas.  We are an 1 1/2 hour bus ride from the city, so I am usually a day tripper.  I loved living in the city if only for a few days.  Early morning walks in Central Park and daily forays to the Columbus Circle Holiday Market where we saw the carolers became my new routine.  Here are some of the Christmas trees that we saw in our adopted neighborhood.

Our home, the Philips Club.
Brooks Brothers
The Plaza
The tree at Rockefeller Center.

I did spend one evening at The Yarn Company, my new neigborhood store.  I did a little stash enhancement.
three Irish girls, Adorn Sock, Globe Trekker colorway.

Lorna's Laces Solemate, Toxic Waste colorway.

This is an exclusive colorway to them just as the Westside Highway colorway is that I had purchsed during the NYC yarn crawl.  I love my fingerless gloves, Isabel, that I designed from their yarn.  

Isabel pattern, Lorna's Laces Solemate, Westside Highway colorway.

When I got home all relaxed and refreshed (maybe my sisters and I will have to start a new tradition?) we finally got our own tree.  Not as many ornaments this year or presents, but not too shabby.  This is my first photograph with my Christmas present, an iPhone. 
Happy New Year everyone.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Not on my "bucket list".

I offered to my daughter as she was approaching her 30th birthday a little trip with her mom, a way of celebrating the beginning of a new decade.
I was a little surprised when she picked a death defying mule ride in the Grand Canyon.  This is something that is quite often on people's bucket list.  She is too young and I don't have one.  Anyway, I was too busy to even think about it and I blindly agreed. 
She was to make all of the plans, reservations and do all of the driving while we were there (so of course I could knit in the car).  And, I wanted to visit a yarn shop. 
I have to say she did a great job (if anyone needs a trip planner and companion, she's your girl!) 
I think my greatest concern was being cold, hence the funny looking hat I am wearing. 
It is truly a lifetime experience, and I am glad that I did it. 
I don't have any photos of the first hour or so since I had a death grip on my reins and only looked forward.  By the second day I relinquished my reins to the saddle horn and I was even turning around in my saddle to improve my photo ops.  And no, I did not knit while I was on my mule.

Our first view of the Canyon
I am in front behind the guide and my daughter is next in line of 10 riders.  Can you identify the shawl pattern I am wearing?
We had to go through a small tunnel and over a suspension bridge to get to the Phantom Ranch, our final destination for the day. 
I am looking down from my mule, Hondo, where you can see the trails we have just traveled on our way up.
Our guide, the iconic cowboy.  Notice how narrow the trail is and how steep the drop is off to the right.  And yes, the mules often like to walk on the outside edge of the trail.  
We also visited the red rocks of Sedona.
I loved this chapel, Chapel of The Holy Cross, and the story behind it.
One of the very few flowers we saw.
My yarn purchase.

We discovered a yarn shop very close to our lodgings, the Sedona Knit Wits.  I was able to find some locally dyed yarn, Mary Gavan Yarns, and decided on her sock yarn, Plateau.  The colorway, which she does not name or number, certainly reminded me of our locale.  My plans are to rework my Adirondack pattern with sock yarn.  This yarn is so obscure that it wasn't even in Ravelry yet!
Sedona Sunset
I haven't shared a local Island Heights sunset lately so I will leave you with one in Sedona. 

What is on your bucket list?