
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Saved by the I-cord

I often start a new design project at the start of a tennis grand slam tournament, so when the Olympics was starting I sat down and started a new project.  I finished it during the closing ceremonies, but it didn't quite look the way I expected.  I really didn't want to have to reknit the whole thing like my last project.
When I sat down to knit the night after finishing the sweater, the idea came to me to knit an I-cord, after all my new sweater had eyelets around the neckline, maybe I could do something with that?  I laced the I-cord through and it solved all the problems.
I modeled it for a couple of knit groups and they all liked the finished project (at least no one spoke up if they didn't like it).
I don't have a photo yet of the completed sweater and I am still working on writing the pattern, but here is a photo of the yoke and the eyelets.  They are almost camouflaged, but the neckline is to the right.  Finished photos will follow.

 The night after my revelation I discovered this spiderweb outside my front door.  Spiders are good luck, right?
Did you ever have a knitting project that didn't come out the way you expected?  Or should I ask how many projects have you made that didn't come out as expected?  Were you able to salvage it? them?  What was your solution?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

High Line & Mood = NYC

Last spring when I was at an Anderson Cooper taping in NYC, my daughter spent her time walking the High Line.  I decided we would have to come back to the city so I could experience the High Line myself.  The High Line was originally an elevated freight train track, built on Manhattan's west side in the 1930s.  Last used in the 1980s the structure faced demolition in the 1990s.  The Friends of the High Line, a non-profit group, working together with the City of New York have created an elevated public park.
We chose a date and even though it was one of the hottest days of the summer, we left the Jersey shore and headed to the city.  It did not disappoint, but then I love NYC!  I chose not to take my camera, so I am using  my daughter's photos from her iPhone. 

This gives you an idea of the elevation.  Along this stretch are built in benches.  The plantings are all low maintenance.

We stopped at the "beach" where they had built in and rolling chaise lounges with a view of the Hudson River.  I took out my knitting and we watched for awhile the children and adults going barefoot in the water created by a little waterfall.

I thought we had come upon some yarn bombing but it was one of several sculptures along the trail, Old Singer with Blossoms.

Exciting the High Line we were in the garment district and were greeted by David in Missoni.  Do they even have one of these in Italy?

It occurred to me that we were in the neighborhood of Mood, the fabric store used by the show Project Runway.  I convinced my daughter to go, even though she does not sew and I don't sew anymore.  She got inspired by some of the fabric and decided I could make a scarf for her.  I figured it would be faster and cheaper than knitting so I did come home with 2 pieces of gorgeous fabric.  The store is truly a tactile and visual experience. 
Now for some knitting............
I have been using some beautiful yarn form Plymouth, Grass, 65% cotton and 35% hemp.  I like the idea of creating an A-line shape by incorporating the drop stitch into the knitted fabric as shown in the photo below. 
Today is the last day of the Olympics.  I plan to go watch the closing ceremonies with friends of mine whose daughter was in the Olympics.  They are home now, but they got to watch their daughter come in 4th in the triathlon.  How cool is that!  I loved watching all of the tennis, especially the finals and of course the women's triathlon.  What was your favorite event?