
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Visit to Boulder Colorado

I went to Boulder Colorado with my sister to visit her first grandchild, Isaac. 
I did get a lot of knitting done, but no photos yet. 
I visited a couple of yarn shops, one very large shop that even had a separate location for their classes.   I decided to read over their newsletter the day we were leaving because I had a few extra minutes to kill and I realized I had missed a class taught by Ann Budd while I was visiting.  Why didn't I look over the class list when I first got the information?

The other yarn shop was very small and only carried their own hand dyed yarn, how cool is that? Their shop name and yarn line is called Gypsy Wools.  Of course I had to buy some of their yarn.
There are only 4 projects on Ravelry out of their yarn so far.

I did get plenty of photos of the baby,  but I will just post one.  Baby Isaac with great aunt Sarah.

We did make time to vist the Celestial Seasonings factory.
Who knew you could make a dress out of tea boxes?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Has Spring Sprung?

Just a recap of the last few days. 

This was an irresistable sunset taken on 2/17/12.  Very different from the last sunset I have on the blog.  That's why after almost 20 years living on the water I still run for my camera when the sun is setting.

This morning I caught this primrose peaking up
through the mulch.  I expect others will follow with the mild winter we have had. 

Now for some knitting........

I reformatted the pattern and had to make another one just to make sure it worked and I made it this time in colors I like. 
Since I used 100% wool I made the hem in an acrylic yarn so it would not be itchy. 
Love it!  Sorry to brag, but I guess that's what blogs are for.  I love the fact that it is so wearable and changing colors on the stripes came out so well (detailed instructions on the jogless stripe included in the pattern).   I am finally very happy with this pattern and it is now available on Ravelry and Etsy.

My Bow Tie Shawl (that's what I am calling for now, unless I come up with anything better, any ideas?)  is in the process of being written and I have 3 test knitters working on it.  It's easy and fun to knit.  I hope to have it available soon.

I will be away visiting my grand nephew (my nephew's son, is he a grand nephew?) in Colorado.  I'm sure I'll have at least one photo I won't be able to resist sharing.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

I spent the morning rewriting my hat pattern.  Taking advice from one of my test knitters I reformatted the whole thing.  I will publish it soon and it will be perfect!  lol

Being Valentine's Day I decided to bake chocolate cupcakes.  I am very happy with the way they turned out.   What do you think?  My secret ingredients: instant espresso, Dominican Republic dark vanilla and Nutella. Notice the melted chocolate chips peaking out from under the icing. I wish you could taste them.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Whitney Houston (and knitting)

I have saved this magazine from 1981 (don't judge me!) because I knit the dresses that are on the cover.  My friend actually had the commission to knit the dresses for the magazine, it may have been her pattern I'm not sure.  Anyway, she was running out of time and I did the knitting for her.  OK, I can't take any creative credit, I was just the laborer but still........
It wasn't until a few years ago I happened to look inside to see what was written about the cover and I saw Whitney Houston was one of the models.  She will be missed.......

Sunday, February 12, 2012

You Can Always Learn Something New

I took a class from Shirley Paden today at the Wooly Monmouth in Red Bank.  I heard her speak at a Navesink Knitting Guild meeting last year and was very impressed so I was excited for the opportunity to take a class from her. 
The class was about stranded 2 color knitting and even though I have done it before (my new hat pattern waiting for test knitters to finish before I publish has stranded 2 color knitting) I know there is always more to learn and little tricks you can pick up when you take a class.  I particularly wanted to learn about tacking down floats.  I did not want to learn how to purl doing stranded knitting, since knitting in the round makes so much sense.  I learned it anyway and am glad I did.  Shirley was well prepared and professional. I learned a lot and came home with some great reference materials. 
I highly recommend taking a class from Shirley Paden if you get the chance.  I also recommend her book if you are at all interested in designing patterns or just want a beautiful book to look at and dream.  Her book is Knitwear Design Workshop and can be found here.  She was a real sport and let me take her picture with me and my project.

What I worked on during class.

Of course, I came home to my Island Heights sunset. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Ok, I can't really complain too much. We do have some snow on the ground and it made today's sunrise very grey. It is sad to see snow on the adirondack chairs. If this is the worst we get, it's really not too bad.

I finally got around to swatching some Madelinetosh yarn my son brought home from a snowboarding weekend he had last winter.  He just decided on his own to walk into a yarn shop and buy me some yarn.  He asked for something that was unusual and that I might not be able to get in my area.  He chose well and I love the color Cove.  It is  Tosh Vintage which says worsted weight but is really closer to a sport or DK weight.  I am thinking to make a shawl, but I want to make a pattern that will use up every bit of this beautiful yarn.  I have 2 skeins, 200yds each.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Super Bowl Sunset and a Knitting Tease

Our tradtitional Super Bowl night is to sit at home with cheesesteaks and smacks and watch the game (and commercials).  The game was exciting, the commercials were not.  But before the game started I had to run outside and catch the beautiful sunset.

On the knitting side of things...... 
 I am working on something that is an oversized version of a fairly traditional scarf.  I already have orders for yarn for several friends to knit one.  However the pattern is just a few notes on an index card at the moment.  My first attempt works but it could be better so back to the drawing board to redo the tie.  More later........

Saturday, February 4, 2012

One more VKL photo and something completely different.

Debbie Bliss put our photo on her face book page.
I was trying on one of her designs, of course it is on top of a sweater I was already wearing so I am looking quite plump!

This is my real job, ok so it is not really like a real job either.  Knitting and designing being my other not real job?
My husband's office is in the basement of our house and he works along with 6 other people.  I make their lunch and get paid for it.  This was Thursday's lunch.
My husband likes his beef, very rare.
Filet mignon, grilled outside with Montreal steak seasoning.
Zucchini Gratin
Vine ripened tomatoes with aged balsamic vinegar
Sweet red grapes

Other lunches this week included Vichyssoise and fresh garden salad and a Shrimply Delicious casserole with chopped greens and vege salad. 
The week started with one of their favorites which is what I call Mexican Torte.  No recipe is needed, just some guidelines. 
  1. I layer in a 10" springform pan a burrito size tortilla, 1/2 can refried beans, some cooked ground meat seasoned with taco mix, another tortilla, sauteed veges (usually a mix of peppers, onions, corn and maybe beans) and cheese. 
  2. Then I repeat ending with a tortilla on top. 
  3. Cover and bake 45 min. to 1 hour on a baking sheet. 
  4. Remove the ring and cut into wedges. 
Voila or should I say Ole!

I finished knitting another vest in another yarn but still haven't heard whether this yarn is being discontinued or not.  I still have to sew it together so no photos yet.

I am still doing final proof reading on my hat pattern and hope to get it up on Ravelry and etsy soon.

Happy knitting.